The SO4M is dedicated to HF contesting – this aspect of the hobby is the most fascinating for all of us. But during our discussions we decided that it would be nice to start on the magic band because:
- there was a place on the tower above the multiplier antenna
- there was a 7 el Yagi in the backyard (it was used many years ago)
- all our transceivers have 6 meters band included
We had plans to meet during the WPX CW to do some work with our RX antennas and to repair our multiplier antenna (one of the elemens has broken during strong winds) . So we decided to try to install 6 meters during that time also.
Maciek SQ6MS spent many days on-site working on RX antennas and station automation. It was done with help of Mirek SP4MPG who is also working on new PA setup. On Saturday we were able to repair the multiplier antenna and we also started with the 6 meters Yagi. It required some renovation but overall the antenna was in good shape. Finally on Sunday we managed to install the anetnna on the tower. It was not too easy as it is a long Yagi and we had to use some tricks to place it above the HF multiplier antenna.
There is still much work to do to prepare the station to CQWW season but in the meantime we started our activity on 6 meters. We have strong competition: SP4MPB and SP4K are located in the neighborhood and they are 6 meters Big Guns. Besides it there are much more active stations in KO03.
So besides the contest… CU on the magic band.